limited production :: hand crafted :: high performance :: rechargeable :: premium flashlights

This is my blog about creating a startup LED flashlight business. I'm a designer, fabricator, and strategist and I'm passionate about making ideas real. I believe that products are about people, that they should be built to last, deliver real value, and that we need to do a better job than we have in the recent past.

Most of my career has been contract or freelance work and I've crafted products and strategies for both big international companies and startups. I also used to work in the "industry" fabricating special effects for film and TV, along with the occasional hot rod. Bottom line, I love making things.

I'm starting this blog so you can follow along, from day one, and see what it's like to start a business, or fail in the process. Only time will tell, but I hope you find this interesting enough to stay tuned, comment, link, like, tweet, and (most importantly) participate in turning this idea into something tangible and valuable.

For a good place to get started with general info about who, what, why, etc., check out the "Stickies" on the left side of the page. Thanks for stopping by and please don't hesitate to ask questions and get involved!

Please sign up for my email list to get updates and notifications for contests and giveaways!

Monday, October 24, 2011

VIDEO: intro video

Hi folks! I'm excited to say that I have a new intro video for my landing page. My friend Chris Whitmore shot and edited this piece. This is basically an intro for a longer segment that will be coming along in a few weeks. Mainly I wanted a quick hook for the landing page, not to explain everything in detail, but to give people a feel for what is going on. Hope you like it and don't forget to leave feedback!


  1. Fascinating ... the machinery involved - and then seeing your finger take part! I said to myself, "Watch out!"
    I appreciate your sharing your love for your creation! Thank you for sharing!

    ~ Summer Sage-Sorley
    Austin, Texas

  2. Hi Jason,

    I'm trying to get in touch with you for a business proposition. I've emailed you but in case it didn't make it to you, please email me at

    Thank you,

    Kevin Richards

    Name Rally
    3520 Overland Avenue, Suite A161
    Los Angeles, CA 90034

  3. Your video is very interesting and professional. It made me want one of your lights even more, but I am still holding out for the posiibility of a run of smaller single CR123 cell lights. It is obvious you truly love designing and manufacturing lights which is reflected in their quality and beauty. Thanks for sharing an enlightning look into Prometheus lights.
