limited production :: hand crafted :: high performance :: rechargeable :: premium flashlights

This is my blog about creating a startup LED flashlight business. I'm a designer, fabricator, and strategist and I'm passionate about making ideas real. I believe that products are about people, that they should be built to last, deliver real value, and that we need to do a better job than we have in the recent past.

Most of my career has been contract or freelance work and I've crafted products and strategies for both big international companies and startups. I also used to work in the "industry" fabricating special effects for film and TV, along with the occasional hot rod. Bottom line, I love making things.

I'm starting this blog so you can follow along, from day one, and see what it's like to start a business, or fail in the process. Only time will tell, but I hope you find this interesting enough to stay tuned, comment, link, like, tweet, and (most importantly) participate in turning this idea into something tangible and valuable.

For a good place to get started with general info about who, what, why, etc., check out the "Stickies" on the left side of the page. Thanks for stopping by and please don't hesitate to ask questions and get involved!

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Monday, January 24, 2011

HELP: Getting connected to Facebook?!


Don't get ahead of yourself. YES I already have a Facebook page.  My question is slightly more sophisticated than "how do I create an account"...slightly.

So, hello people more expert in social media! Part of the plan with this blog (and product) is to reach as many people as possible. That's the point of advertising right? Facebook is one of the cheapest and most connected tools out I might as well leverage it.

Something like 500 million users and counting? That's a pretty good potential customer pool. For starters, they all use the internet and when my first production run goes up for sale it will be online. Nice, my first layer of segmentation. Anyway, my primary question is about "step 2" Facebook connectedness.

Where I'm at: So I know about step 1 - "link your blog to Facebook" and will be doing that in the next week or two. However, before I do even that, I'd like to have some kind of vague plan in place. I'm not going to pretend to be a social media expert, because I'm not.

What I'm avoiding: I'm not quite ready to talk about Facebook ads, but will certainly do that in the future. I'm also not ready to talk about how to get on gadget blogs and things beyond Facebook at this point. I'd like to have more traction (product on the market) before talking about other marketing/advertising opportunities.

What I'm asking is more basic: What's the best strategy for me to get people connected on Facebook. My initial thought is to use my personal page because I already have a network to blast. Beyond that my choices revolve around fan pages, groups and who knows what. By strategy I mean how do I go about "reaching as many people as possible" in the context of time (what to do today that leads to next month) and specific tactic (like start a fan page).

I'd especially love to hear from people who have tried these tools in a business context. What did you learn? What would you do differently? What works? Ingrid?

On the customer side I'd love to hear from people that follow any company (or anything other than their friends) on Facebook. How does it work for you? What is the benefit? Why doesn't it work?

Of course random hearsay, speculation, and anecdotal evidence is always welcome.

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